
Criminal Justice Theory Summary

Decent Essays

The article seeks to address the question of why there is so little criminal justice theory. The thesis of the article is that disregarded associations between the inconvenience of political power and authoritative structures in the criminal justice framework hold a vital component to understanding the tasks of this framework, in regular and additionally atypical circumstances. The article begins by discussing the absence of theoretical initiative in criminal justice research.
A notion of this article is that consensus and conflict theories neglect to conform to particular parts of criminal justice procedures and results; in which new theoretical improvements are important to empower more significant research. It presents the argument that the lack of political power that is coordinated toward specific crime connected objectives, criminal justice systems, and subsystems have a tendency to be loosely coupled. Loose coupling is intended to evoke elements that are receptive to each other, as well as keeping up independent identities and some proof of physical or coherent separateness.
To start with, be that as it may, Hagan accentuated that loosely coupled association have a one of a kind ability to retain changes in the encompassing political environment. When a political change comes quickly or surprisingly, even an inexactly coupled …show more content…

The clear and concise abstract of the article makes it clear that this is no simple task. The thesis was clearly stated multiple times and discussed. The author used research articles to explain the neglected connections between political power and organizational forms. Another strength of the article was the organization. The literature review was detailed and clearly written. Finally, the author provided an ample about of research to explain each respective category throughout the

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