
Critical Review: Competitive Strategy And Organizational Performance

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2.1 Introduction

This section examines the theoretical foundations of the study, review of empirical literature, the conceptual framework and research hypotheses.
2.2 Theoretical Foundations of the study

This section provides a brief review of the literature and theoretical background on the two main constructs underlying the models tested in this study: Competitive Strategy, Total Quality Management.

2.2.1 Competitive Strategy

According to Porter (1985), strategies allow organizations to gain competitive advantage from three different bases: cost leadership, differentiation, and focus and calls these bases the generic strategies. Cost Leadership

In cost leadership, a firm sets out to become the lowest cost producer in its industry. …show more content…

Hypotheses 2: There is a positive and significant relationship between competitive strategy and organizational performance.

2.3.3 TQM Practices and Organization Performance

Firms that focus on continuous improvement, involve and motivate employees to achieve quality output and focus on satisfying customer’s needs and more likely to outperform firms that do not have this focus. Analysis of the data supports a strong positive relationship between the extent of implementation of TQM practices and organization performance. This study also found that co-worker support and organization support moderated the relationship between TQM implementation and organization performance (Joiner, 2007)

Hypotheses 3. There is a positive and significant relationship between TQM practices and organizational performance.

2.3.4 Competitive strategy, Total Quality Management and Organisation

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