
Critique And Application Of Theory Of Caring Essay

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Critique and Application of Theory of Caring Kristen M. Swanson RN, PhD, FAAN derives her Theory of Caring from the works of multiple nursing scholars, combined with empirical evidence and phenomenological investigations, to create a middle-range theory applicable to almost any healthcare setting (Swanson, 1991). The middle-range theory evolved partially due to Dr. Swanson’s doctoral studies under Dr. Jean Watson (Wojnar, 2014, p. 689). Dr. Swanson’s theory contains a perinatal background, initially developed specifically in attempt to explain miscarriage experiences (Wojnar, 2014). By conducting three different studies involving three different perspectives, Dr. Swanson was able to establish and define five concepts, caring processes, critical to her theory (Swanson, 1998). The three perspectives investigated by Dr. Swanson were women who miscarried, NICU caregivers, and at-risk mothers. With each study, her definitions of the five caring processes evolved (Swanson, 1991). Major concepts and definitions Dr. Swanson determined five caring processes that encompass her theory. In her more recent discussions of her theory, she not only elaborates on the five caring processes but also describes subcategories/subdimensions that are contained within the concepts (Swanson, 1998). Knowing “Knowing is striving to understand an event as it has meaning in the life of the other” (Swanson, 1991, p. 163). Subcategories such as avoiding assumption, centering on the one cared for,

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