
Crusades Negative Effects

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EFFECTS OF CRUSADES According to an article published in 2009, it is believed that there were a numerous effects of crusades: 1. Senseless Violence and wars The mentality was that Christian crusaders were to Islam/Judaism at any costs. It doesn’t matter even if it was achieved through violence or war. During the course of the crusades, the death toll was high for Christians and Muslims. In few crusades, innocent people including women were raped and slaughtered. These victories lead to conquering kingdoms for Christianity but they were all unsustainable especially in the middle east. 2. Undermining Church Moral Authority The effects of crusades which lead to the slaughter of Jews and Muslims were later used as accusation against the Roman …show more content…

This was a bad scene when the Catholics were fighting against the Eastern Orthodox leading to the conquer of Byzantine, capital of Constantinople. This lead to the Turkish Muslims to advance towards Europe which resulted in the fall of Eastern Europe. 5. Asian Influence The crusades resulted in the advancement of European knowledge about Asian world, bringing a more cosmopolitan influence to Europe. 6. Increased Anti-Semitism Their devotion and loyalty to churches were very high that they had very low religious tolerance. As a result, entire Jewish communities were destroyed in Europe with inhabitants killed and some slaughtered. (Fisher) IMPACT OF CRUSADES: Though there were a lot of effects which resulted out of crusades, there were numerous impacts too: 1. Beginning to the end of feudalism The basic structure of government changes as noble class is greatly reduced over the 100 years of the crusades. 2. Kings gain power With a lock of nobles in Europe, Kings take control of more land and make more laws. 3. Trade Explodes Europeans gain access to new goods and markets, and this creates a demand for things like silk, spices, and ivory. 4. Two cultures blend Europeans begin to adopt eastern ways of eating and dressing, and even borrow their weapons and fighting tactics. Muslims do the

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