
Cultural Competence: Who Is A Leader?

Decent Essays

For this critique, I found a video on YouTube titled, “Cultural Competence: Who is a Leader?”

Koen, A. (2011, Mar 7). Cultural Competence: Who is a Leader? Retrieved from

2. Why did you select article/chapter/movie or video?

I chose this video based on the title. I felt that I could learn leadership skills that will promote cultural competence from the video. I’ve learned in the class that cultural competence begins with the leadership of the campus/district. Additionally, I would like to learn that a cultural competent leader looks like and I feel that this video will show this.

3. Briefly summarize key points from your selection
Andre Koen led a discussion of an observation …show more content…

The most critical statement of the video was when he talked about diversity not meaning tolerance. Mr. Koen discussed that diversity is not the same as “putting up with” an individual and how diversity is changing one’s thinking and understanding to fundamental …show more content…

Competency 007 - The principal knows how to apply organizational, decision-making, and problem solving skills to ensure an effective learning environment. The supporting standards within this competency are that the principal knows how to:

• use strategies for promoting collaborative decision making and problem solving, facilitating team building, and developing consensus.
• encourage and facilitate positive change, enlist support for change, and overcome obstacles to change.

5. How might you apply what you learned from this reading in your role as an administrator or educational leader?

I can apply what I’ve learned by reflecting on my conversations I’ve had regarding diversity and re-frame my thinking about what diversity truly is. I can apply the definitions and comments made regarding diversity in my daily thinking as I currently work in a diverse environment. I’ve learned that diversity is a way of thinking and this information could be articulated to staff if I were in an administrative role. I can also apply the idea of the diversity analogy to the rope with knots – unwinding my ideas as they relate to diversity could be an activity that could help me become more culturally

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