
Cultural Differences And Cultural Beliefs In The United States

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In the United States, a baby is born every 12 seconds and an immigrant moves to the States every 33 seconds, yet we sometimes get caught up in our own community and do not realize how many differences we have with, not only people in the United States, but also the people living right in our communities. After sitting down and getting to interview a fellow classmate about their cultural experiences, it was very surprising to me how different someone’s upbringing can be from my own. Julia gave me an amazing interview, she and I have very similar upbringings, but we are very different in some of our cultural beliefs. Julia Kemp differs from my cultural beliefs in our look on politics, our family traditions, our involvement based on gender, and our religious beliefs. One of the differences I discovered early on was our political belief.
Growing up, I was from North Topeka and was exposed to a very conservative community, so naturally that is where my beliefs fell. My parents also had a huge influence on my beliefs politically, considering they were both raised republican. My dad made it a point to teach me about politics and to explain to me why he believed what he did. Some things that I believe very strongly in are limited government and the lowering of taxes to promote companies to make more jobs for individuals. I have also always aligned with Pro-Life beliefs from not only my political beliefs but also my religious beliefs. Julia however has a very different outlook. Julia

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