
Cultural Differences In Two Kinds And Catch The Moon

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Stories are the same in many ways, although, one reads them for their differences and the differences are what matters. The two short stories, “Two Kinds” and “Catch the Moon” are polar opposites and exactly the same simultaneously. Their cultures are extremely different but those differences are what make the theme for the stories, which is to overcome a struggle in life you have to be devoted to overcoming it, applicable the same way
The short story “Catch the Moon” has a theme that is impacted by its surroundings and cultural setting. “Catch the Moon” is about a boy named Louis who goes through the tragedy along with his father of his mother dying. He then starts becoming a delinquent, however after seeing a girl, he was devoted to impress …show more content…

The cultural difference in the story is probably the largest contrast of the stories. In “Two Kinds” the mother out of tradition is strict with her daughter making her do things that she thinks are the best for her, while on the other hand in “Catch the Moon” the father lets his son do as he pleases but still wishes the best for him. Culture wise the stories are opposite however on the side of theme they share many similarities. Louis from “Catch the Moon” was trying to persevere on and move forward with life after his mother died, on the other hand the daughter from “Two Kinds” was also trying to move on and do different things and succeed, they aren’t identical however they share similar qualities such as being able to persevere through hard times. Each of their cultures also impacted the theme in the same way, while one story was laid back and the other way strict and harsh they still in the end came of with similar points to be put across. Each story compared shows that people from different worlds can have the same problems and be impacted by events the same way as others from other places can

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