
Cultural Differences

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The Theory of Cultural Differences
The theory of cultural differences revolves around 7 concepts, Individual and Collective Orientation, High- and Low-Context Cultures, Power distance, Masculine and Feminine Cultures, High-Ambiguity-Tolerant and Low-Ambiguity-Tolerant Cultures, Long- and Short-Term Orientation, and Indulgence and restraints.
Individual Cultures Revolves around the Belief that one must watch out for themselves as Individual cultures have the High values of self, such as getting a new promotion and not caring for the other, or Winning boxing match. Collectivist cultures Share the belief that team work is more important than just one individual. Collective cultures show that they work better in a group such as, excavating in search of fossils as a team, or Sparring during boxing training to improve each other’s skills.
High Context Culture Use body language, Clothing items which one my wear, and emotions into the equation of communication. Meaning that High context cultures express more human communication that is not verbal or written. Low context cultures use less visuals and are more direct by saying what they mean in a situation. For example, someone writing someone a letter or an email, as these forms of communication involve no physical contact and only express on what is written or typed.
High Power distance culture is a form hierarchy where people are ranked from the strongest and most powerful being on the top and the weakest and least powerful being at the bottom. An example is the military or in family household. Low power distance culture prefer equality over pyramid type culture. An example of low power distance culture is being part of a club where there is no competition and everybody is equal for example an alcoholic anonymous meet.
Masculine culture traits are perceived to be alpha, dominance, High testosterone, Strong, and Burt Reynolds. An example of Masculine culture is when a business measures success by the company’s profits. Feminine culture promotes, relationships time over money and rewards based on equality than equity. An example of a feminine culture is having only a part time job to have more time for your hobbies or family.
High Ambiguity culture are more confident

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