
Cultural Differences for a British Tourist Traveling to an Islamic Country

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Cultural Differences for a British Tourist Traveling to an Islamic Country

Dubai is becoming a popular destination for tourists. It is the second largest Emirate in the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is the United Arab Emirates, tourism capital. Dubai's economy is largely based on trade, manufacturing and tourism and only 20% of the city's revenue comes from the sale of oil. It is a very safe city with a low crime rate. There are stiff penalties for crime. Drug smuggling and rape are punishable by death. In the United Arab Emirates death is by firing squad unlike Saudi Arabia where they use the sword.
Temperatures range from 24°C in January and up to 45°C in July.
British citizens with the right to live in the UK may qualify …show more content…

Swimming costumes should be confined to beaches & swimming pool areas. The annual feast of Ramadan is governed by the lunar calendar & lasts one month(from approx 15th Dec 1999) During this period certain restriction apply. E.g Alcoholic beverage is prohibited and eating, drinking (alcohol or non alcohol) and smoking in public is not permitted during the day.

Although some of the information given is fairly accurate it is not adequate enough

Although Dubai is seen as the most liberal Emirate of the U.A.E, only restaurants and bars that are part of 4* and 5* hotels are allowed a licence to serve alcohol. Also leisure and sports Clubs such as The Golf Club, The British Club and certain associations are allowed to serve alcohol. Restaurants and cafes that are not part of clubs or hotels are not allowed to serve alcohol. Some lower classes of Hotels do not have licences to serve alcohol.
With Dubai being Islamic, the alcohol laws are quite strict. Drinking alcohol in public places, driving or acting in a disorderly manner in public whilst under the influence of alcohol is forbidden and punishable by Sharia law ( Law according to the Quran)
It is only permitted to buy alcohol from off licences once you have a residency visa. The amount you are allowed to buy is compatible to the wages you earn. The average amount allowed for a British expatriate is 600 dihrams ( approx £100)

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