
Cultural Level Of Analysis In The Workplace

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No matter where a person goes, what job they take on, or who they work with, there are always behaviors and mental activity that can be analyzed. Through what is analyzed and what we know about certain types of people’s upbringings one could ultimately predict their next behaviors. Psychological science is the study through research, mind, brain, and behavior (Gazzaniga, M., Heatherton, T., & Halpern, D., 2016). This definition can be applied to the everyday of life any human in their professional goals, prospective population they will serve, and in their personal life. The professional goal in my life is to become an actuary at a large, successful business. In this field, just like psychology, an actuary has to use description, prediction, …show more content…

To predict how the work environment will be, I can use the levels of analysis. The cultural level of analysis is used because it is not the norm field for a woman. In today’s society women are receiving more and more jobs that used to be only for men. For example, the CEO of IBM is now Ginni Rometty. She is the first woman as head of the company. Knowing this information assures that this field of work is moving in the right direction. But, just because women are receiving these types of jobs does not mean their work environment is not hostile or unfair. This could also be analyzed on the social level. In the social setting of my perspective work place, my coworkers could perceive me as incompetent because I am a woman. This also results in self-serving bias because, the men in the field think they are the best and that women unskilled and unreliable. The men that feel this way are unable to admit their own flaws and instead think women are unqualified for the position. Perception of women depends on how men are brought up. If they are brought up in a family where the father figure had the strongest authority of the house and made all of the decisions, they are most likely going to feel that women are inferior. But, if they grew up in a household where the mother had the stronger influence and controlled the decisions, they are most likely going to accept women as equal in the business

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