
Cultural Relativism And Diversity

Decent Essays

According to society’s knowledge, many can come to an agreement that cultural relativism and diversity can play a huge effect on whether different cultures and traditions share the same respect for morals and values towards each other. However, these two things can be considered as two widespread theories that are used to explain the differences amongst different varieties of cultures, their ethics, and their morals. Between the two theories, both characterize the moral, ethical, and societal differences that diverse cultures experience. From recalling the discussion of whether everything is relative cultural, relativism is defined as to the aspect of all beliefs, customs, and ethics being relative as to the individual within his/her own social …show more content…

We should come together and reach an understanding of each other, and move beyond a simple tolerance of life. We should try to embrace and honor the rich dimensions of diversification that is embodied within each individual in a way that is customary to fit one’s personality. This is better known as their own characterization or virtue. In Benedict’s “The Case for Moral Relativism” he states, “It is hard for us, born and brought up in a culture that makes no use of the experience, to realize how important a role it may play and how many individuals are capable of it, once it has been given an honorable place in any society…” (page 133). From this, he claims that from childhood to adulthood we are raised within certain standards of morals and considered to be categorized within groups. These standards are unique to each group of people. As we grow out of childhood, we become aware of the set of morals and values that have a tendency to change over age and time. I personally do believe that morals will continue to change overtime, and due to this, different culture variations will hold different cultural values and morals. It is hard to imagine a world in which we all believe the same things are “right” and wrong.” In “Why Morality Is Not Relative” James Rachels summarizes the theory into one brief statement: “To many thinkers, this observation- ‘Different cultures have different moral codes’- has seemed to be the key to understanding morality” (page 139). The idea behind this quote was to share his point of view; variations in diversity hold different types of moral views and interprets these views differently from those of another

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