
Culture-Based Theory Of Prejudice Research Paper

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Prejudice has been a part of American society since before anyone can remember. The two personality-based theories discuss the frustration aggression theory and the authoritarian personality. Within each there are beliefs that cause prejudice which are needs, frustration, aggression, displacement, weak victims and rationalization. Individuals have needs like hunger or warm and these needs are biologically induced. The other needs that are socially induced include a well-paying or respect. Frustration comes from reasons that individuals find themselves blocked from getting their actual needs satisfied so this frustration then gets what it needs which moves to the aggression when an individual actually gets angry and people become enraged wanting to destroy or vent out their frustrations. This frustration is this place then other individuals because they are the cause of their frustration or the person they take this frustration out on referred to …show more content…

When society is seen an entity which is compromised hearts that exist as having a function this is seen as functionalism because it suggests that everything that exists in society is there because it has a function. The philosopher Karl Marx based conflict theory onlooking at the social world and seeing conflict whether it's rich verses poor or haves versus have nots. In this Theory each group is trying to be the best for themselves wanting good education, well-paying job, and good benefits where the minority groups are rivals for these things. Lastly there is a symbolic interactionism which is a perspective that focuses on the micro level. In this theory their are labels that color the way we see our world. We can either see features of someone remaining blinded to other features where individuals only see the color of a person's skin and pays closer attention to something negative rather than a positive

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