
Current Events Speech Analysis

Decent Essays

Current Events Speech
Today, I am here to talk to you about something that everyone should be aware of, and something that should put Trump to shame. On Saturday, April 8, 2017, Donald Trump had sent an order to our military for the approval to send a bomb to Syria. The main question circling around the media is, “Why did we exactly bomb Syria?”. The main reason on why Trump sent out the order was to scare Assad. Assad, first off, is Bashar al-Assad. He is the 19th and current president of Syria. Assad first violated a “red line”, that our previous president, Barack Obama had set in 2013 during the contract to end war. Assad had then signed a contract saying that he won’t use chemicals to tame down Syrian rebels and instead, use different …show more content…

So what if this is going on. So what, it is not happening to me. Why should I care? Let me tell you why you should care. First, what if you were in their place. After everything that is going on, with all the attacks that are happening, wouldn’t you want help? Wouldn’t you want aid? Wouldn’t you want people to care for you? You would. If you were being constantly attacked, because you want your freedom, the freedom to say anything to do anything, you would. We are lucky enough to be in America, where we are free to express our opinions without going against the law. Imagine if that right was taken away. Your opinion just went from being what you thought, to an illegal way of expressing your thoughts. This impacts us because our country’s government is being represented as as a country who takes our victories when another country is vulnerable, do you want your government to be represented like that? Do you want to be represented in a way where we win when someone is on the ground, hurt? Because I personally don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be represent by a government like that. If you stand with me, if you agree with what I am saying, then you will use your voice. After all, two voices are stronger than

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