
Current Policies Of The Affordable Care Act

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Portfolio: Current Policies; Future Impacts Although the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became law nearly five years ago, the rhetoric overt the law and its provisions continue in Congress and around every kitchen table in America. While no one disagrees the healthcare system prior to the passage of the ACA was flawed, healthcare reform under the ACA continues to evolve and is likely to continue evolving in the future. Despite this, it is the law, and the healthcare industry is doing its best to keep up with the law’s mandates. For the hospital healthcare administrator, there are numerous changes affecting how hospitals do business, not only with the insurance industry, but with patients as well. The following overview discusses the basics of the ACA, the positive and negative ramifications for hospitals, and the impact the law will have for years to come. Although the final incarnation of the Affordable Care Act will develop over time, its premise of ending healthcare disparities and quality care for all citizens is long overdue. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act When it was clear the ACA would indeed become law, many wondered why reform was necessary as they enjoyed great coverage through an employer at a reasonable cost. Furthermore, these same individuals had never experienced the doors to quality health care closed to them or their family members. These citizens are the fortunate ones living in a country that arguably has the best healthcare, the finest

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