
Customer Centric Approach With Deliverable Solutions

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Operational CRM Aim of this process is to provide best e-support to the team of front employees for business process, which focus on sales, marketing and product assistance to the customers. This major goal is to customer centric approach with deliverable solutions.
Business Profit This can result in business profit like its leads broad view of the each and every customer so that we can’t miss any issues unresolved. Every employee will access customer profile and history so that they can easily understand the problems and solutions of the individual customers and they will analysis on that basis so employees may change the strategies to suitable to the customers.Finally they will deliver the substantial and expert sale, marketing and business services to the customers.

Segment of Operational CRM Sales force automation (SFA) mainly focus on geographical sales trends and analysis. This focus only on sales force for assigning number of employees and budget to particular region. Like Customer details, Client management, Lead management, Business forecasting and Quotation preparation.
Analytical CRM This area major focus on how to find out the customer needs and how can customer service team address them early as possible. Now a day’s time is main constraint frame so we should focus on that and resolve things in less time so company will become more competitive than other competitors. This area helpful to increase ARPU (Average Revenue per User) and it will guide the

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