
Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center Case Study

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Case Study –
Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center: CVP Analysis for Planning and Control
Case Study –
Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center: CVP Analysis for Planning and Control

To: Dr. Thomas Russell, Executive Director, Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center
From: Sheryl Marshall, Service Consulting Plus, LLC.
Date: 8th September 2014
Subject: Financial performance of Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center over the next one year.

Dear Dr. Russell,
After having done a detailed study of the projected financial statements for the upcoming year, we have been able to identify a few glaring financial pitfalls the center has to beware of. The center has a lot of government aid provided to it but it also faces a host of …show more content…

So the center should discontinue this service, if possible, as it is affecting the center’s overall profitability. If it cannot discontinue the service due to government regulations, it can outsource the medications for the service. The outsourcing may help in reducing the variable overheads.

* The center should promote the off-campus programs as they can be a major source of revenue. The services which can be provided in the off campus program can be Case Management, Individual Counseling, Crisis Intervention, Ambulatory Detoxification & Patient Assessment. Group Counselling can be provided in corporates. These services can generate high profits as they have a high contribution margin & can be provided off campus.

* The WACM% helps us to control the actual operations of Bridgestone as it allows us to see which service provides a higher rate of contribution & which leads to a deficit. This information would help Bridgestone to promote certain services like Urinalysis, Individual & Group Counselling through advertisements and other promotional activities. Moreover, the individual contribution margin allows us to see how each category is performing. * Another important aspect to be noted is that, although the company has a very low operating profit the

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