
Cyber Threats And Cyber Attacks Essay

Decent Essays

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the article Cyber Threats to Mobile Phones, phones are now sharing hardware and software similar to a PC and becoming each time more like a PC. Therefore, the risks of being hacked are increasing, allowing hackers to attack mobile devices the same way as if they were doing it with a regular PC. Personal and professional information are more often stored on mobile devices therefore it is imperative to have our data secure. Security solutions for mobile devices are not as broad or high-tech as those for PCs. The majority of mobile security relies on the proper use and smart choices that the user makes on a daily basis to be protected against cyber attacks. Even the most careful person can be attacked but the possibilities of that happening are less when you are proactive.

The following tips according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security can help users enhance the security for mobile devices and potentially prevent them. The first one is to consider the security features when purchasing a mobile device, make sure that the service provider offers encryption when sending data through the network, ask if the provider can find and wipe remotely a mobile device and delete malicious apps. In addition, check if the provider offers authentication features like passwords.

When backing up data from your mobile devices to a PC use encryption to protect your information. If you use your devices to access VPN at work make

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