
D-Day Of Nazi Germany Essay

Satisfactory Essays

June 6, 1944, marked the start of the liberation of Nazi Germany. Many lives were lost by both sides but all of those lives that were lost were brave people who fought for a great cause. To make this day a success the US made many fake attacks. These attacks played an amazing role in the win of the war. D-Day was a major turning point in WWII; without a win on the beaches of Normandy Nazi Germany would’ve kept getting stronger.
The US and its allied forces (Britain and Canada) had many conferences to talk about how and where they were going to attack Nazi, Germany. Some of the most important conferences were the Sextant and Eureka meetings. At both of the meetings the people talked about the battle strategy and who was going where. All allied generals were required to come to these ( The US was first planning to attack a city in the middle of France but after they lost …show more content…

Operation Overlord was the attack of the US and its allies along the beaches of France. Even though the general said these words on June 5th the attack was postponed to the next day. on June 6th at 6;30 am the war started when the Germans were caught off guard and they were attacked. By June 11, 1944 over 160,000 US and allied troops made it into the beaches of successfully (WWII Museum.). The Allied forces had 3,000 landing crafts, 2,500 ships, and 500 vessels were in the fight to attack Nazi Germany ( When the people in the concentration camps heard about the allies coming they started to get hope . Many Germans had to take detours around big bridges because the allied forces were destroying them during the war (A+E Networks). At one attack point Roi-Namur over 5,000 Japanese people died and less than 500 US people died. The defeat of Nazi Germany was a very important part of winning the war and saving many people’s

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