
D-Day : Turning Point Of WWII

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D-Day: Turning Point of WWII

D-Day, June 6, 1944, is one of the most memorable days in history. It was the day that more than 160,000 Allied Troops were ordered to storm the beaches of Normandy, France, in order to push the German defenses back and to take the beaches, and most importantly to open a second front on the European coast, which Stalin had been pushing for years to no avail. “Germany intended to hold Italy”. (History Today 3). While soldiers stormed the beaches, thousands of allied Forces were dropped behind German lines to take important roads and bridges in order to prevent German reinforcements from getting to the beaches quicker. Throughout the Slaughter from troops on both sides, the Nazi forces were pushed back and the beaches along the coast of Normandy were taken back into friendly control. D-day has been known as the day that marked the “Beginning of the end for Adolf Hitler”.

Operation Overlord (D-Day), the invasion of Normandy was a very intense and bloody day for all allies included in this battle. Forces from the United Kingdom, Canada and France made up a majority of the main forces alongside the United States, also with participants from around the world. For the forces of France, this battle would prove to be very emotional as it was an effort for trying to take back their homeland. General Eisenhower, commander of this mission had a hoped that having Germany attacked on two sides would expend their forces and allow the war to be won

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