
Essay about Daniel Clowes' Ghost World: Argumentative Comparison

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Pictured on the back cover of the comic book "Ghost World," by Daniel Clowes, are the two main characters of the book in full color. This strikingly significant image, surely shrugged off by most Clowes' readers, represents worlds of diversity within the frames of the book. Sporting pink spandex pants underneath her goldfinch yellow skirt and a blue t-shirt to match perfectly, Enid seems to live her life outside the bubble. She's a very dynamic girl, especially interested in her surroundings and people around her. On the other hand, Becky is dressed like a "typical" girl, with a long black skirt and a white blouse, thus representing her conforming presence in the world. Becky is much more passive than Enid, going with the flow of …show more content…

To her right is the building with the window. Inside, the television is on with someone watching, but only the person's hand holding a drink is visible. After reading the book, you can infer that this scene represents the two "worlds" in the comic book: the inside world and the outside world. Enid is outside the window looking and walking away from it, instead of walking towards and looking in. She does things differently from others, including her best friend, Becky. Enid is one to wear goofy outfits, weird looking masks, and dye her hair extreme colors. Her world is her own and to her it is real. On the other hand, in the first few opening frames, an obvious difference in attitude between Becky and Enid enlightens itself in their conversation. While Becky watches a corny stand-up comedian on T.V., Enid reads a magazine that she utterly despises for the "trendy, stuck up prep school bitch" audience that it caters to. It bothers her so much because it's Becky's magazine, and it seems Enid is almost insulted that she bought it. Indirectly, Becky buying a magazine of the sort shows her place in the world that Becky, herself, lives in. The real world, the world which subscribes to trendy magazines and corny comedians and the like. The world which Becky accepts and Enid

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