
Daniel Weintraub's Restoration Offers A Sprinkling Of Hope

Decent Essays

In the packet ¨River Rights¨ with the article the ¨River Restoration Offers a Sprinkling of Hope¨, it supports the project and informs us more about it and the author named Daniel Weintraub. I choose this because of how we could work together and humans attention to process the project of a 63 mile stretch of the San Joaquin River to transform it from a dusty ditch into a fish friendly waterway under legislation. My opinion on why I believe Weintraub credentials achievements etc. would be because he was a Sacramento Bee worker, which made him have the experience and led him to write this article. The author, named Daniel Weintraub, works at the Sacramento Bee. He wrote this article on April 26, 2009. He has been working on the process from …show more content…

In the ¨River Restoration Project Offers a Sprinkling of Hope¨, Ron Jacobsma, general manager of the Friant Water Authority, said “We hope to get double duty out of that water by taking it the long way around.¨ As Jacobsma is a general manager of the Friant water Authority, this offers us his experience, his ideas and his thoughts of how we can have hope for the project. President Barack Obama signed the Omnibus Public Lands Bill in March, the agreement turned into federal law when he signed it. The parties had been working on the restoration plan for more than two years laying the groundwork for the physical changes to come. When the president signed it, it made them get the approval which he supported for them to continue the process. The credibility of the author right has now been believable because he provided us with the ethics of President Obama and Jacobsma. The river will not necessarily end up to its full, natural path along its entire length. Too much has changed in the decades since the dams construction. They would use canals along some stretches to carry the water short distances and to ferry the salmon upstream. This is showing us logos with facts and information it offers an explanation on how to solve one of the problems with the plan. A professor named Peter Moyole, from UC Davis also had his opinion on the project. He said “We have never done anything on this scale”, but we were willing to try it and approve of the

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