
Danone Case Study

Good Essays

1. Using suitable marketing terminology, identify and describe the Irish market place Danone aimed at during the market entry stage.

Despite agriculture being one of Ireland’s main industries, in the past the consumption of fresh dairy produce was remarkably low. Even today, there is only 10.2 kilos of fresh dairy products consumed per capita as compared to that of France where 33.2 Kilos of fresh dairy products are consumed.

When Danone researched the feasibility of entering the fresh dairy market in Ireland, they found an untapped market. They saw there was potential within the fresh dairy market where there was a minimum of competition and thus the opportunity for high sales, profits and product growth.

In order to enter the …show more content…

It is carried out in the context of political, economic and social influences and it can apply to any aspect of the marketing process that requires investigation” (Amy Allen: 2008).
Marketing research is a study of an industry or area to analyze whether there is a potential market for a company or its products. It involves analysing market segmentation to measure the potential for business prior to entering that market. Marketing research not only finds gaps in a market but also finds whether there is a market in the gap.

The research includes analysing current and potential consumers by means of observation or carrying out surveys in order to find what products or services they may want or need. It may also involve the use of secondary research for example, studying the demographics of the target customers or of a geographical area.

Through carrying out marketing research, Danone found that:

1. 1/3 less fresh dairy produce was consumed in Ireland than in France and there was great potential to grow the market.
2. Irish consumers perceive yogurt as being only for dessert. It also showed a way in which by promoting the health benefits, Danone could change these traditional perceptions.
3. The market experience was first to emphasis the health benefits of eating yogurts and there after to promote the various fruits and flavourings and more indulgent

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