
Daphnia Research Paper

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A Description of Daphnia and Related Experimentation Kamron Soldozy Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology A Description of Daphnia and Related Experimentation With the negative changes in heart health in our current society, researchers and individuals in the medical field alike are searching for solutions to this issue. Daphnia may lead to the answer. With the ease of cardiovascular research as well as their close relations to humans, Daphnia may be the organism researchers need in order to develop relationships between humans and Daphnia, thus using established results to create solutions that would assist researchers in improving the heart health among citizens in our current society. …show more content…

Daphnia is an order of cladoceran that are a part of the genus of small crustaceans ranging from one to five millimeters in length (Campbell, 2004; Corroto 2010). Daphnia are also naturally transparent, allowing for a variety of research opportunities that are observable with current day technology. Water fleas are another name for Daphnia due to their distinct, jerky swimming patterns (Chin, 2011; Campbell, 2004). Additionally, Daphnia seem to have tufts of hair, relatively large eyes, and red “lips”. Daphnia also feature an ocellus, a light-sensing organ under the compound eye (Chin, 2011; Corotto, 2010). Anatomical features are greatly responsible for the popularity of Daphnia. The most prominent anatomical feature of Daphnia is transparency; many organs, including the heart’s beating, are visible with the human eye. Additionally, the head of Daphnia have a compound eye and antennae, both used to improve swimming performance (Chin, 2011; Corotto, 2010). Another notable feature of Daphnia is the overall body shape that resembles a human kidney (Chin, …show more content…

The most effective of which is the behavior of Daphnia to migrate to the surface of water at night and to the depths of the water during the day. Migrating daily in such a fashion allows Daphnia to avoid predators, as predators at night are unable to see the Daphnia, as no sunlight illuminates the water. During the day, predators are again unable to see Daphnia in the low light depths of water (Chin, 2011; Zongming, Li, Ma, Wang, & Fu, 2009). Common testing conducted by researchers uses many features of Daphnia. The transparency of Daphnia and the visibility of their hearts is the basis for the majority of experiments conducted on Daphnia. (Villegas-Navarro, Roses-L & Reyes, 2003). Many other researchers have conducted experiments on Daphnia while also paying attention to the cardiovascular region of Daphnia (Campbell & Matthews, 2004). Researchers have conducted many experiments relating to the introduction of different substances to the body of Daphnia. For example, an experiment may test the effects of toxic chemicals on Daphnia, meaning that Daphnia can act as water quality indicators (Ren et al. 2009). The lack of Daphnia in certain areas signifies the presence of a toxic chemical, if the habitat meets the living requirements of Daphnia (Villegas-Navarro, 2003). Therefore, Daphnia act as indicators of environmental health as well as chemical responders reacting to potentially harmful

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