
Data Collection And Analysis : Analysis Essay

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Data Collection and Analysis The behavior was observed from a large sample of people. This included twenty people shopping alone and twenty people shopping in a group, for a total of forty subjects, each ranging in ages from approximately 19 to 40 years old. The subjects were observed from the time they entered the store until the time they left. The reasoning behind this was to see the buying behavior differences for the whole experience and figure out which areas of the store could be improved in order to appeal to groups of people shopping. The behaviors observed included the amount of time spent inside the store, the amount of money spent, the interactions with associates, and the areas of the stores that were navigated. Originally, the research was going to be conducted in large-scale departments stores found at malls such as Nordstrom or Macys. It was thought that sampling in stores such as these were a great way to gain more data on both females and males, along with families and friends because department store environments were ideal to see a multitude of social situations between varying people. These bigger stores ideally would have many people shopping alone and in a group so comparisons can be made between the two, while also allowing a large enough environment where changes could be made to cater to people shopping in a group. However, the pilot study conducted was vital in seeing what worked and what did not. It was essential to change the plan from

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