
Daybreak Monologue

Decent Essays

It changes everytime you ask. Some say it was a virus, others say it was god punishing us for our sins. At least that’s what the people on the news say. All I know is that the dead are walking among us. I’ve seen people I used to know attack and eat innocent people. Everyday I see my dad walking among them, wishing there something i could have done. I couldn’t bring myself to kill one of the only people i’ve loved. He attacked me but i managed to fight him off and i’ve been held up in my house ever since. It’s a small house, nothing fancy, in a small town near Chicago called Glenview. Everyday I think about my half brother that lived in New York with his mom. After my dad and his mom split I didn’t think life could get any worse, I was …show more content…

But father and his mother just kept growing farther apart. We could both see it, even though we didn’t want to acknowledge it. I would give anything to be able to see him and know that he’s okay. I haven't left my house since the incident and might have to soon. My food and water is running low and I have decided to venture into the city of Chicago so find people or supplies. I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty scared. I have no idea what’s waiting for me out there. I’ve gone through too much to die now, in this house. I have a machete and a shotgun my father used to use to discourage intruders. I also have ammo, not very much, and a freak out bag with some supplies. At the time I thought my dad was being dramatic, but I’m glad one of us was smart enough to pack one. There are some medical supplies, a lighter, some iodine to purify water, some food, and some maps. I know that this could be the last time I ever see this house, but in order to survive this is something I need to do. I will be leaving at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning. I lay in bed thinking about what could go wrong over and over again in my head, and can’t help but think about my brother and his

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