
Dbq Essay On Texas Oil

Satisfactory Essays

Many do not realize the impact of discovery in Texas oil has led to. It has led to new ways of thinking and creative inventions. Without the oil that was discovered in Texas, we would not be able to do many things we are able to do today. Through the research I have done, I have found many important events that were impacted by oil and I have composed a layout for you of the radio broadcast about Texas and its oil. Document C is receiving the 30 minute section of the radio broadcast because of the document explaining the most impacted and important event by oil. Not only has oil brought advancements in technology, but in job opportunities too. It is very hard for many to receive jobs, especially for minorities. The oil industry created labor not only dealing with oil, but with domestic work also. Many minorities were hired to do work around the house or to babysit the oil producers’ family. The oil industry led to new job offers and opportunities for African-Americans and Mexican-Americans. Because of more jobs available, minorities had a better chance of getting a higher education due to earning money for colleges. Out of all four of the documents I studied, the most …show more content…

This particular document was also important because oil impacted an event that led to Texas universities start growing and creating a higher opportunity of education for students. Oil wells were created in the Big Lake Field, and this made the University of Texas to become wealthier because of the money the oil wells produced. In 1931, the legislature split the oil money, two-thirds went to University of Texas, and one-third went to Texas A&M University. Because of the production of oil wells and oil in Texas, colleges and universities were able to become more efficient and open new opportunities to students. For the 10 minute segment of the radio broadcast, Document 3 will receive the

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