
Dbq Great Depression

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The majority of individuals trust that the stock exchange crash that happened on October 29, 1929 is the main source of the Great Depression. The stock market accident was not the sole reason for the Great Depression, but rather it acted to quicken the worldwide economic breakdown of which it was additionally a symptom. Numerous components prompted the Depression. One of which being bank failures, another the global downturn, and dry season conditions.
The stock market crash of 1929, additionally called the Great Crash, was a sharp decrease in U.S. stock exchange values in 1929 that added to the Great Depression of the 1930s. The market accident was a consequence of various economic imbalances and structural failings (Pettinger). In the 1920s, there was a fast development in bank credit and advances. Energized by the quality of the economy, individuals felt the share …show more content…

The rural depression was a primary component in the Great Depression, as bank advances turned sour, credit became scarce, and banks across the nation shut down. All through the 1930s, more than a million acres of land were influenced in the Dust Bowl, a large number of agriculturists lost their jobs and property, and mass relocation patterns started to arise as ranchers left rustic America looking for work in urban areas. This relocation, or migration, added to Great Depression unemployment hardships, stressed alleviation and advantages programs, and made in many vast American urban areas (The Great Depression Causes).
In conclusion, the Great Depression had many contributing factors, and the Great Crash of 1929 was not the sole cause. The “Dust Bowl” was a major factor in the Depression, and foreign affairs as well as banking failures were important contributions

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