

Decent Essays

From 1880s-1930s mechanization has increased in both Japan and India. More machines had started to be used than using one’s hands which produced more cotton than hand spinning would have. Female workers were overworked in the cotton factories that favored using machines instead of hand spinning to increase the production of cloth and yarn. Documents 1, 2, and 7, are charts that shows the production of cotton yarn and cloth throughout the years along with women labor. From 1884-1914 in India, hand spun yarn decreased from 150 to 90 millions of pounds. Machine spun yarn increased from 151 to 652 millions of pounds (document 1). Unlike the hand spun yarn in India the hand spun cloth increased as well as the machine spun cloth, but the hand spun …show more content…

In document 3, two women in Japan talk about their lives working in the factories. Both women worked from morning when it was still dark, to ten at night where they hardly had the strength to stand (document 3). In their first year of working neither woman was paid but, when they were paid it was very little. There were many sick people at the factory who had tuberculosis, which the woman’s sister contracted, died from (document 3). The factory girls in the rural areas of Japan were very useful to farmers because they were paid more than the entire income of a farmer’s (document 4). This is where all of the cheap workers came from in Japan. Farming communities had just enough to buy the necessities for the parents and siblings so that is why factory workers pay is so little; they only need to care for themselves (document 5). In India most factory workers come from peasants, agricultural laborers of the villages, and unemployed hand weavers. They work less than two years in the factory and their wages are low (document 9). The textile industry in India is increasing because of native bankers and investors who invest large capitol (document 6). The majority of Japan’s workers come from farming communities while India's workers come from agricultural laborers and unemployed hand weavers but, all of the workers are poorly paid. India has less human workers because of the bankers and investors investing their money to get more machines to do the

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