
Death Is A Continuation Essay

Decent Essays

Death is a Continuation
Death is a topic many people prefer not to speak about in their lives since it is deeply personal and painful. As many of us have experienced death in our life journey, I also have had to travel down that path since it does not exclude anyone. Consequently, accepting death as a continuation and a celebration of a human being is genuinely important to me. This matters more to me now ever since I have been my mother’s caretaker for about four years ago after her diagnosis of dementia. Seeing her slowly deteriorate has been a transformative experience that I am still learning to accept graciously. The stigma surrounding our mortality is seen as something to be feared and permanent. As a society, we think about our own death and that of loved ones with sorrow, anguish, and in extreme cases depression as it is viewed as the end of that individual’s life here on Earth. In today’s culture, we see death as the ultimate finale of that person and have anxiety about letting go of the body. Life is more than our bodies and it takes courage to think beyond what our five senses convey to us. How would our outlook and ultimately our acceptance change towards our passing if we thought of it as non-existent? Thinking differently about death would bring awareness to our conscious to recognize it as a continuation and celebration of life. …show more content…

He specifically mentions, “what happens when you begin to call into question tacit assumptions and unarticulated presuppositions and begin then to become a different kind of person” (West, Examined Life). In examining the relationship in altering our beliefs and valor to do it, my own beliefs about the deceased were questioned. Then, I came to acknowledge death as a continuation of our inner being and not the

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