
Death Penalty Ethical Issues

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When watching the news on television or reading the newspaper, communities are bombarded with reports of murder, shootings, rape, and other heinous crimes. Unfortunately, it is almost unheard of for a day to go by and not hear of these tragedies. If the police are able to make an arrest, the suspects are put through a process for conviction. At the end of the trial, the jury makes a verdict deciding if the prosecuted is innocent or guilty. If found guilty and the crime committed consists of murder, kidnapping, treason, or aircraft hijacking, the sentencing could result in the death penalty. Currently, the world is in a very widespread debate regarding the death penalty and whether it is ethically right or wrong. The death penalty is the …show more content…

Research confirms this is simply not accurate. The death penalty has been proven to be “much more expensive than life without parole because the Constitution requires a long and complex judicial process for capital cases. This process is needed in order to ensure that innocent men and woman are not executed for crimes they did not commit, and yet with these protections the risk of executing an innocent person cannot be completely eliminated” (“The High Cost of the Death Penalty” 1). To sentence a criminal to life without parole would be a lot less costly than imposing the death penalty. The cost for taxpayers ranges from “$2 to $5 million per death sentence for the trials and appeals. Life in prison averages $1 million (40 years at $25,000/year). Louisiana State Attorney General, & former District Attorney, says that he can try a second-degree murder case for $15,000-20,000 instead of $250,000 for a death penalty trial” (“Some Facts about the Death Penalty” 1). The money saved has the opportunity to be used for many other improvements which could better the community. These funds could aid in the prevention of crime as well as to increase the overall crime resolution rate. Both of these options would allow for an increase in the job opportunities available within the

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