
Death Penalty Executive Branch

Satisfactory Essays

The death penalty, or capital punishment, refers to a death to a person by a state for their crimes; where the executive branch made an attempt to address the considered but was unsuccessful, where the Legislative branch talks about and try to modify the death penalty, where the supreme court is handling the cases in trail.

Main Idea – Judicial Branch: The Judicial Branch handling two cases in court that lead to the death penalty.
Supporting Detail: Buck was convicted in 1995 for murdering his former girlfriend and her friend in front of her children.
Supporting Detail: Bobby was convicted of a cruel shooting during a robbery he killed the supermarket clerk that was 72 years of age.
Supporting Detail: They both was convicted and found guilty and was sentenced to death row.

Main Idea – Legislative Branch: Over the years the death penalty discussed and altered on several occasions.
Supporting Detail: DNA was a way they could prove that someone was there at the scene. …show more content…

Supporting Detail: Innocence protection act would protect the innocence if not founded convicted.

Main Idea – Executive Branch: The Whitehouse made an attempt to address the death penalty.
Supporting Detail: Obama tries to address the death penalty after an inmate yells and moans out while getting injected.
Supporting Detail: The Justice Department looked for advice from experts on both sides to help with the issue.
Supporting Detail: They decided not to go through with the anti death penalty because it would do more harm than good with the country.

Concluding Paragraph, Summary:
In conclusion, the death penalty is used in different states and it used for people that the state think deserve it. It is used for when a person convict a really bad crime and it depends on if the person has mental problems and didn’t know what they were doing. People think that the death penalty is wrong and tried to address it but none have be

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