
Debenhams Tall Structure

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This is a tall hierarchy organisation chart of Debenhams, it shows the various levels of employees. From the chart we can see the span of control is narrow and the chain of command goes downwards (vertical) - this means starting from the top management, down to middle level managers and ending up at lower staff; it shows who is responsible for who/who reports to who.. A tall structure means lines of communication are longer, so may mean slower response to changes. However it helps as roles and responsibilities are clearly defined so everyone knows their role, it also allows close relationships between workers and employees, close supervision and possible for more upward growth for employees.

The Economic Recession (2007-2008) meant people …show more content…

All departments in Debenhams work together to optimise performance. HR participates by training employees to increase their ability in a way that advances the business’ goals - the right training ensures staff know what they are doing and can improve staff morale along with productivity. Hr also recruit new employees fit for the job - selection is crucial due to production and performance value but also saves costs. So, HR works with all departments as they provide and develop the staff departments have to work with. The IT department works with works with all departments to ensure IT equipment and programmes are all up to date and running smoothly, to ensure the business has secure and efficient data & connection channels – this makes sure the systems they work with are working smoothly for both customers and employees. All departments use IT so that is how they contribute. The marketing department will recognise the request/need for products, this will optimise performance as they are working towards the same goal – selling products. They also support the departments in estimating the amount and sort of products and services to be provided. They will then work with HR, IT and operations to inform them, making sure we have the right staff, equipment and products available for customer needs. The operations department make employees productive, clarifying the goal and aim, again working towards the …show more content…

Power in role culture is decided by their place in the organisation chart.
“Role Culture” is from the Charles Handy - Models of Organisational Culture. “Organisations with a role culture are based on rules. They are highly controlled, with everyone knowing their roles and responsibilities. Power in a role culture is determined by a person's position (role) in the organisational structure. (tutor2u, 2017)
Debenhams has a Role Culture because we have several different departments and each department has a manager that is in charge of that respective department. For example: in the HR department we’ve got a manager that controls our department and team in HR.
This has a positive impact for goals and achievements to be reached as all employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities.
Role Culture also has a positive impact on staff as it provides stability, security and continuity, which then lowers stress levels. If staff feel secure & happy, they may be more loyal to the company with a higher morale leading to more productivity and low staff

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