
Deconstructing the clock Essay

Decent Essays


Ever since the dawn of civilization we have observed time by its natural occurrence and we also relied on man made primitive tools to measure time. In the beginning, time has always been a natural event, for example, sunrise to sunset but men’s earlier primitive tools to measure time were inaccurate and were only an approximate indicator, hence often unreliable such as the hour glass.

We became enslaved by the concept of time; our society is controlled by this mechanical device which dictates our schedule accordingly. Time has evolved from a simple method of nature into a measurable product which can be sold and bought. The industrial capitalism owes its existence to the concept of time, without …show more content…

Times have progress during 1657 when they introduced the pendulum clock which was sufficient enough to attain accuracy to have the minute hands and eventually the second hands on the 18th century. These two last centuries has been crucial for the development of the clock “…capitalism grew to such extent that it was able to take advantage of the techniques of the industrial revolution to establish its economic domination over society” (Woodcock 883).

The clock has so much influence on our society, according to Lewis Mumford, an American philosopher, historian, and teacher “…the key machine of the machine age, both for its influence on technics and for its influence on the habits of men” (Woodcock 883). This automatic device has attained massive public importance on our social function and daily lives. The radical influence by this device is apparent, it was the means of control “…regularization and regimentation of life necessary for an exploiting system of industry could be assured” (Woodcock 884). We became so much dependent and rabidly time-conscious. We became like clocks, we developed a routine and a conscious schedule demoralizing our regimentation. We let the clock set our lives it’s about time to apply the true function of the clock as a means of reference and co-ordination. Men should be free from such dominating regulation “Complete liberty implies freedom from the tyranny of abstraction

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