
Definition Essay: The Power Of Joy

Decent Essays

Some people unconsciously believe it’s not okay to feel more joyful than the people around them. Out of a mistaken sense of caring, they squelch their joy and tuone in to the sadness of the one they are with.
"Joy is prayer - Joy is strength - Joy is love - Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls." Trying to win souls for Christ..let the Joy shine through.
Joy is a quality of the soul. Joy is realized when the personality and soul are in harmony. Joy can also be defined as the feeling or energy of love. Unconditional love is our essence and joy its expression. How does joy differ from ordinary happiness? Joy is untouched by circumstances, whereas happiness is affected by what goes on around us. Joy can grow in spite of conditions; happiness cannot. That is why Joy is an inside job. That's why NEHEMIAH proclaimed that, "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH".(Nehemiah 8:10) Nehemiah knew the power of Joy. God knew Joy like laughter is contagious! He gave us his Joy to keep us strong in times of trouble, keep us content when we go lacking, to keep us at peace when there seems to …show more content…

Causing you to burn with Joy, so that it spreads to those around you and change their atmosphere, their circumstances. I come in the spirit of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and say, "The Lord is with you, rise up in his power and his strength and live again!" By the power invested in me, I speak to every dry place, every sickness, every sadness,those dead places you didn’t think will resurrect, and I say "Live again" I shake you in the spirit and say " Awaken, get up, wash your face, brush your teeth, dress your self, comb your hair and position yourself in the strength of our lord. Let the Joy of the Lord be your strength today and every day. Someone needs to see your Joy, they are waiting on you......for the JOY of the Lord is your strength! WALK IN THE STRENGTH OF OUR

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