
Definition Of Environmental Racism

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The term “environmental racism” is not one that many people are familiar with, and it is difficult to infer its meaning only thinking about the term itself. “Environment” and “racism” are relatively simple to define separately, but when they are put together as one term, they develop a complex meaning and encompass a wide range of histories and elements. So what is environmental racism, and how does it affect the different populations of American society? In this paper I will argue that the non-white communities affected by environmental racism have been molded by historical vestiges of institutions created to subjugate them, that environmental racism has severely detrimental effects on non-white communities in particular, and finally that environmental racism often greatly benefits certain groups in society as it simultaneously impairs others. The definition of “environmental racism” is laid out in Matthew Desmond and Mustafa Emirbayer’s “Race in America” as, “any environmental policy, practice, or directive, that disproportionately disadvantages (intentionally or unintentionally) nonwhite communities” (Desmond and Emirbayer 196). These communities are often in close proximity to environmental hazards, are targets for waste dumps, and are at higher risk for harmful air and water pollution (196). Environmental racism has been formed over the decades, through the processes of redlining, blockbusting, and other housing discrimination practices, in efforts to keep people of

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