
Dell - Environmental Anaylsis

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An organization 's external environment has three components: the remote environment, the industry environment, and the operating environment. The Remote environment is made up of economic, political, social, technological, and ecological factors. The industry environment is made up of entry barriers, supplier power, buyer power, substitute availability, and competitive rivalry. The operating environment is made up of competitors, customers, labor, and suppliers.
Industry Environment
Entry Barriers
New entrants to a market can threaten the market share of competitors already in the market. New entrants are interested in entering the Chinese market to try to gain a large market share from existing …show more content…

The potential for Internet growth is huge in China, giving foreign computer companies, such as Dell the opportunities to expand into a new market. Computer companies need to acknowledge that in the Chinese culture, people are still unsure about credit card sales because of the huge expense of computers. Companies, such as Dell, then have to invest in door-to-door or face-to-face operations, initially, to gain consumers ' faith and consumer 's trust in the company.
Technological Factors
In the computer industry, technology continues to be smaller and faster than ever. Providing access to technologies developed by state R&D institutions has proven a key government resource. China The internet is a great opportunity for companies to get their names into the public domain as well as a fast way to tailor services to their customer segments. A threat in the technological segment to Dell 's business in China is that access to the Internet is expensive, although it is gradually becoming cheaper.
Ecological Factors
The demographics of mainland China include a population of 1.2 billion people. China represents one of the planet 's last great IT sales opportunities. This has sparked interest in China by a number of American companies. However, just because a nation has 1.2 billion people, does not mean it has 1.2 billion paying customers. Primarily, the middle class in China lives in one of four heavily populated areas. The lower classes, "peasants", live outside of

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