
Dem 301

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Understand the process and experience of dementia DEM 301 Outcome 1 Describe a range of causes of dementia syndrome. Alzheimer's disease This is the most common cause of dementia. During the course of the disease, the chemistry and structure of the brain changes, leading to the death of brain cells. Vascular dementia If the oxygen supply to the brain fails, brain cells may die. The symptoms of vascular dementia can occur either suddenly, following a stroke, or over time, through a series of small strokes. Describe the types of memory impairment commonly experienced by individuals with dementia Memory problems are usually the most obvious symptom in people with dementia. Someone with dementia may not know common facts when questioned. …show more content…

An individual’s needs and abilities change over time as a result of their condition and are different for each person. All abilities involve more than one memory and dysfunction of the brain will affect a person’s abilities. Self-awareness and identity can be lost that may affects a person’s abilities and needs. Furthermore anxiety, depression, mental health issues, loss of independence, loss of companionship, change of circumstance. Moreover Seven Stages of Alzheimer's (2006) going from no impairment to very server cognitive decline shows the fluctuation of the needs and abilities. People with dementia have symptoms that can vary throughout the week or even day. They will have times when they perform well, and others when they will have more problems. Fatigue is the biggest enemy of the person with memory loss. People with brain diseases tire easily because they must concentrate so hard all the time. For many, the late afternoon and early evening hours can be the most challenging due to fatigue, a condition often referred to as "sundowning." Outcome 2 Describe the impact of early diagnosis and follow up to diagnosis Early diagnosis helps a person and their family prepare, they may want to learn about what they about to face increase awareness of dementia, its implications and Integrated Care Pathway. They would be able to look at benefit and legal implication such any benefits entitlements and power of attorney. The person and their family would

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