
Dental Field Periodontal Disease

Decent Essays

The digestive tract is a vital part of our survival because we need the broken down nutrients from what we eat and drink to survive. It can also be a very sensitive area because certain things can upset our stomach and cause acid reflux, diarrhea, and may even cause us to vomit. But some of these problems can be caused by the bacteria in food we eat too but, the digestive tract involves more than just the stomach, large and small intestine, the liver, etc. it also includes the oral cavity. We all know that we can get microbial diseases in the digestive tract and there are many. The two that I chose to focus on is periodontal disease and shigellosis. Periodontal disease can be very serious because it involves our teeth and that is how we chew our food. Going into the dental field periodontal disease is something we can see on a regular basis and trust me once you see and smell it you will definitely remember what it is. First off what is periodontal disease? It is a chronic inflammatory disease that destroys the bone and gum tissue that help support the teeth (Periodontal). It can also cause tooth loss if it becomes serious. To me when you smell someone’s breath that has …show more content…

People who can help treat the disease are the dentist, periodontist, or the dental hygienist. One of the first steps for treatment is the deep cleaning which is normally called scaling and root planing. First they will usually start with scaling the teeth which removes all the tarter from under the gum line then they will start root planing which gets rid of the rough spots on the tooth root where germs gather (“Periodontal Disease”). Sometimes the dentist or periodontist will prescribe medications to help with the inflammation. Some might be used before the deep cleaning because the dentist or periodontist is scraping up bacteria. If the periodontal disease progresses into a worsen state surgery may be and options that should be

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