
Depression And Anxiety In JD Salinger's The Catcher In The Rye

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It has been quite obviously that losing somebody is hard, especially when extreme depression and anxiety are thrown into the mix. Then top it off with teenage hormones and that is one of the most difficult times somebody can go through. The novel The Catcher in the Rye written by JD Salinger is a look on the inside of what it's like to be the teenage boy Holden Caulfield who is suffering from depression and anxiety while trying to cope with losing one of the closest people he had in his life, his brother. Moving on after loving a loved one is very hard not to mention the fact that he has severe depression and anxiety. This book shows us that growing up is hard and life can make it even more difficult but those struggling through it can also take from this book that people who suffer from similar scenarios not alone. One of the biggest issues that holden faces throughout the story is the death of his brother allie and for a couple of reasons. The first reason being that he blames himself because there was one day holden didn’t include Allie with him and his friends. Another reason being that when he found out allie had died he unhinged himself and bashed out all the garage windows with his bare hands and broke his hands. For a pacifist, this is an extreme show of aggression and anger. In doing so he ended up spending the day of allies funeral in the hospital because he busted his hands up. Him not being able to go to the funeral was a big deal to holden because

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