
Depression And Postpartum Depression

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Introduction The birth of a child can be a very exciting time in a mother's life, but sometime the feeling of excitement can be overshadowed by extreme mood swings, uncontrollable crying, the feeling of sadness, the loss of appetite, feeling angry followed by anxiety and restlessness. These are all symptoms of postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a severe mental disorder that some time will occur after giving birth or after being pregnant. According to research postpartum depression usually will occur within a year after giving birth. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 11 to 20% of women who give birth each year have postpartum depression symptoms. ). Although researchers have not been able to determine one main …show more content…

One of the most devastating impact that postpartum depression can have on a mother is to interfere with the ability to care for her child. That is an instant blow to the bonding process. Mothers who suffer from postpartum depression start to feel inadequate as a parent. They have very little interaction with their infant. Quite often they will make less eye contract with their infant as well as, they display less examples of mother-child contact and positive interaction as compared to mothers who don’t have depression. A mom who has postpartum depression shows less affection toward their infant and they also are less sensitive and nurturing. At this stage the infant will sense the tension and anxiety the parent is feeling and in return they will withdraw from their parent. The interaction between mother and child at the early phase of a child’s life is very critical to the evolution of a child. In addition to the harming the way a mother care for her infant postpartum depression can also have a destructive impact on the child. Postpartum depression has been shown to have negative effects on the development of the child. Some children who mother has been diagnosed with postpartum depression have problems interacting with others socially. Those individuals may also display signs of emotional and behavioral problems. Studies have also revealed that some children have learning disabilities. In extreme cases of postpartum depression

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