
Depression And Substance Abuse

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The occurrence or diagnosis of depression in relation to drug use or abuse presents itself as a bi-directional relationship. Meaning the onset of one of these factors (depression or already present substance use) creates an equal opportunity for the consequence of another factor to appear. Both depression and substance use and dependency have the potential to co-habitat each other in a comorbid state. Symptoms occurring with depression, especially if they are left untreated, are shown to have increased rates of drug use potential while consistent substance use and abuse can cause depressive symptoms. In examining each condition separately and in conjunction of one another as well as a variety of different effects caused by substance use, treatment …show more content…

In order to examine this relationship, substance abuse and addiction need to be understood on its own first. Drug addictions contuse to persist on both a national and global level; it is also significant to mention that such issues create a heavy burden on government and justice systems that deal with them. In fact, “9% of Americans meet the diagnostic criteria for a substance abuse disorder (6% for alcohol and 3% for illicit drugs), making it one of the most common chronic diseases in the United States” (Compton & Change 2017). Such prevalence adds pressure to government systems and taxpayers as they are, “estimated to cost Americans more than $400 billion annually: $224 billion for alcohol ($25 billion in health care) and $193 billion for illicit drugs ($11 billion in health care) (Compton and Chang 2017). Now, substance abuse or addiction are considered, “psychiatric illnesses with specific indicators [which include] a strong desire to use (or craving), and [interruption of] life activities [which are] generally reduced to drug-seeking, drug-using, and recovering from the effects of use” (Compton & Chang 2017) When an individual tries an addictive substance like nicotine, alcohol, or other illicit drugs, it activates certain parts of the brain which can induce, pleasurable feelings and, “very strong memories that drive subsequent behaviors to repeat the rewarding experience” (Compton & Change 2017). If such a drive continues to persist it can transition into a habit and create a dependency on that substance. Now, likewise to treatments to depression, those who suffer from substance abuse disorders also have a variety of treatment options. These treatment options include long term and short term residential treatments (inpatient and outpatient), individualized drug counseling, and group counseling (NIDA, n.d). With

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