
Holden Caulfield Depression

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Today, 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, over 5% of the entire population on Earth (Healthline). While 5% may not seem like much, it is absolutely appalling to think that any one person deserves to feel depressed. Despite being apart of the human mind ever since creation, doctors and psychologists today are still struggling to understand what causes the mind to break down to a state of utter sadness and self loathing. Even more troubling is the fact that not many people, primarily parents, are exposed to the utter damage that the disorder may cause to their children. Unlike physical disorders, injuries, or other illnesses that attack the body, depression attacks the mind. Depression can take the brightest day and turn it …show more content…

Even with television shows, movies, and music warning the masses about the dangers of depression, not many works have been able to truly grasp the complexity and weight of the issue like J.D Salinger’s cult classic novel The Catcher in the Rye. In the story, readers follow the depressed main character, Holden Caulfield. After being kicked out of another boarding school, Holden decides to roam through New York for the next three days before returning home to his parents. During this journey, Holden grows to see the world in a more adult light, however, is plagued by fluctuating emotions and the memories of his traumatic past. As these feelings strengthen throughout the excursion, Holden’s overall mental state also begins to deteriorate at a rapidly increasing pace, causing him to descend deeper and deeper into depression. While there are multiple factors contributing to his eventual mental breakdown, Holden Caulfield’s lack of parenting amidst the loss of his brother is ultimately the source of his major depressive disorder, and could have easily been prevented had he received proper love and …show more content…

Despite being a fictional character, the mental issues Holden faces throughout the novel have stood the test of time, and are now more prevalent than ever before. Whether it’s a rough break up, the loss of a loved one, or parental negligence, every single person has hit a low at one point in their life. The problem is, much like in the case of our Holden Caulfield, that these people may not receive the proper care and attention required to avoid slipping deeper. That is why millions of people, teenagers and adults alike, suffer from depression of many different types and severities. This story provides only a glimpse into what goes on inside the mind of a growing teenager suffering from the disorder. At the time of release, the 1950s, it is reported that depression was considered a rarity, and a taboo one at that. Mental illnesses were not treated nearly as well back then as they are today. In the 50s, Holden’s only solution would be to see a psychoanalyst, which readers do see at the very end of the story. However today, with depression and suicide at an all time high, Holden would be treated much differently. In the modern world of medicine and psychological support, Holden would be most likely been able to be treated with antidepressant medication like Lexapro or Zoloft, pills that would slowly help his mental state be

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