
Depressive Disorders: The Role Of Depression In Teens

Decent Essays

There are many issues that are currently trending in the field of human growth and development. One of the most common issues is depression. A depressive disorder can best be defined as an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. This particular disorder can interfere with daily life and normal functioning. Depression has become an issue for millions of Americans. While studying about this topic, I found an article that really gave insight to what this issue really is. The article itself is centered on depression in teens, rather than other ages.
Throughout reviewing this article, it was easy for me to understand that depression is not just passing through a blue mood; it is much more than that. Major depression is the most common …show more content…

Going through adolescence can be a very unsettling time for most teens. During this time, many physical, emotional, psychological, and social changes occur. Often time’s teens face unrealistic academic, social, or family expectations. These expectations can create a big sense of rejection, which can lead to disappointment. Teens overreact to most things that do not seem to go their way. To make things more difficult, teens are constantly being faced with messages from their friends, parents, or society. The article states that ‘teens need adult guidance more than ever to understand all of the emotional and physical changes they are experiencing’. When these adolescence moods disrupt their ability to function on a daily basis, it may indicate that the individual suffers from depression. This depression rate is increasing at a shocking rate. There have been recent studies that have shown that as many as 1 in 5 teens have clinical depression. Research has found out that there are various factors that contribute to depression, one being too much or too little brain chemicals. Family history with depression can also contribute to an individual’s chances of getting depression (Mental Health America).
The article really makes it clear that teens who suffer from depression should get immediate professional help. Depression is very serious and can be life-threatening …show more content…

It is an issue that affects millions of people around the world. It involves the mind, mood and thoughts of one’s life. Not only does it affect the people go through this, but it also affects the loved ones around them. Depression impacts every aspect of these individual’s lives including eating, working, sleeping, relationships, and how the person views themself. Depression can be very dangerous if professional help is not sought. I found this to be true when I went through my own depression. Without the help of my therapist, I do not know where I would be. It really meant a lot for me to have someone there for me that I knew that I could count on. Going through depression inspired me to become a therapist so I can help someone else out in their time of need,

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