
Descartes First Meditation Analysis

Decent Essays

Descartes’ First Two Meditations In the first meditation Descartes starts off by talking about how when he was young he realized many of the basic facts of life and knowledge that he accepted as being true, were actually false all along. Descartes chooses to wait and not try to solve the issue of figuring out what is true and what is false when he is young, as he believes that this is too much of a task for a young man and waits until he is a mature age. Descartes decides to finally sit down and think about what is true and what is false much later in his life than what he would have wanted originally but he decided to go straight to the root of his problems. The way that Descartes decides that he is going to cut down on the amount of opinions that he needs to prove that are false, he goes for the basic principles that would allow many …show more content…

The issue is that while you are asleep in your dreams you think that you are awake, so how could we know if you are actually awake or sleep at any given point in time. Descartes then talks about how the creatures and people that you dream about have to exist because they all use common things like shape, size, time and quantity. For this to be true in both the dream world and reality then there cannot be any doubt. He goes on to mention how we can not trust anything that has to do with the study of composite things, like physics, astronomy or medicine. We can trust the studies of simple things like arithmetic and geometry, because even in the dream world two plus two equals four, and triangles have three sides. In the end of the first meditation Descartes starts to talk about how could such a pure being like God allow for these things to exist on Earth, but at the same time let him falsely believe in all of the creations on earth. God being too perfect of a being to allow this to happen to his creations, Descartes goes on to think that it could possibly be a mad man or some type of evil demon is

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