
Descartes Meditation Analysis

Decent Essays

In the Meditations, Descartes reflects on all of the faultiness in his life and of the body. He begins by discussing his life, noting that he has to raze everything that he once thought to the ground and begin again from the original foundations in order to establish anything firm and lasting in the sciences. (13) Descartes, through the first meditation make the argument that we are all dreaming.
He begins his case by saying, “I have today, suitably freed my mind of all cares, secured for myself a period of leisurely tranquility, and am withdrawing from solitude,”(13). He has come ready to withdraw from his surroundings and the things that he once thought was real. He is ready to doubt everything until he can prove that it exists. He notes that in order to reach this he would need to show that all of his opinions are false which is nearly impossible to accomplish. Instead he writes, “Nor therefore need I survey each opinion individually, a task that would be endless. Rather, because the undermining the foundations will cause whatever has built upon them to crumble of its own accord, I will attack straightaway …show more content…

He gives an example of how whether he is awake or asleep, he knows that two plus three makes five and that a square does not have more than four sides. Therefore the obvious truths cannot be seen as false. Arithmetic and geometry are just things that we know according to

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