
Descartes ' Meditations On First Philosophy

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Throughout Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes argues for the ideas and philosophical beliefs behind skepticism. In his writings, he describes the fallibility and importance of the body of man and through extension the senses with which we observe the world. This paper will first show that within Descartes’ writings the body is an extension of the mind. Secondly, this paper will prove that the senses are a false form of understanding which leads to the deception of the mind. Finally, this paper will address the inconsistency that arises from these definitions of Descartes, specifically the incompatibility of a completely independent mind and a body dependent upon that mind. Within the second meditation, Descartes arrives on the subject of what a body truly is. It is important to point out that Descartes is not arguing for what we consider our body to be, that is, our hands, feet, torso, and all other parts of our physical being, but what a body is in the general sense, or what it means to have a body. For this, Descartes takes the example of a piece of wax and attempts to determine what the body of this wax is. He first defines it as the various properties that the piece of wax seems to hold in its present state. It has particular tastes, smells, textures, a particular shape, and a specific color. Descartes progresses further in the investigation of the body of the wax by changing these characteristics. He melts the wax until it is disfigured and its

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