
Descriptive Essay On The Ghost

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Being stuck in a hospital is bad enough, but when your the head other the hospital and are being followed by ghosts it turns to a new level of bad. Ebenezer Scrooge was one of the most cold hearted man in St. Mary’s hospital. Scrooge was like a rock, never letting anyone in or talking about his feelings. Always pushing down people’s insecurities, and making them feel like the lowest on the Earth. Scrooge had already been visited by the ghost of Christmas past, he knew the next ghost can appear out of nowhere. “Why, why me? I just wish for this day to be over already.”, said Scrooge as he passes along the hallway.
Suddenly there was a loud bang down the hallway near the lobby. The hallway was dark, nothing could be seen. Scrooge walked down the hall into the lobby, he noticed a bright light coming from the middle of the room. There was a small breeze as Scrooge entered the lobby, it was quiet nothing could be heard. As Scrooge got closer to the light he could hear in the distance a small bell. The sound was low and soft, as if the bell was in slow motion. As the bell went on all of the heart monitors turned on. It was suddenly silent, the light had also turned off. Scrooge walked to the middle of the room, he heard a click from behind him. As he turned around the heart monitors went flat lined, they got louder and louder. Scrooge couldn’t stand the noisy, he tried to block the noisy but it didn’t work, as the sound got louder. The light suddenly turned on, Scrooge stared

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