
Determinants of Marijuana Use Essay

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Marijuana is a popular and universal drug. It is easily accessible to most people and is the number one illicit drug used in North America. Although the availability and knowledge of this drug is fairly equal for all people in North America, marijuana tends to be more prevalent in teenagers and young adults. Maisto, Galizio, and Conners (2004) reported that "use of marijuana [in young people] was 8.0% among those aged 12-17; 16% among those aged 18-25," as compared to "6.8% among those aged 26-34; and 2.4% among those 35 and older." People of all ages, races, and religions use marijuana and have their own reasons to use it. Young people first try marijuana because of some common reasons. Some teenagers feel pressured by their peers to …show more content…

With this high percentage of students using marijuana and the availability of the drug being so vast, teenagers find it hard to stay away from this substance. As some teenagers are pressured in to using marijuana, others are interested in experimentation. Many young people who are curious about drugs tend to try marijuana because it is viewed as the "safest" illicit drug. The popularity of the drug, talk of legalization, and media all contribute to marijuana being seen as a safe drug. Aforementioned, many young people use this highly accessible drug. People begin to think that if everyone else is doing it without harm, then they can too. It is well known that marijuana alone has never lead to death and has only been associated with fatal accidents when combined with alcohol or other drugs. These unthreatening ideas of marijuana combined with the constant debate about legalizing or decriminalizing the drug, persuade people to believe that it is safe and will not do them any harm. The most significant way this idea is developing is through the media. Although there are many anti-drug commercials and campaigns, the amount of television shows, movies and songs involving marijuana outweigh them all. In an article about marijuana in the media, Gary Oetjen, assistant Drug Enforcement Administration special agent, says that television is "glamorizing the usage of [marijuana] and these young kids believe they can get away

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