
Determination In Society Today

Good Essays

As Colin Powell put it wisely “A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” Unfortunately though, it seems that in America countless people have set aside the attributes of determination and hard work, and have taken up the unfortunate characteristic of laziness and irresoluteness. In today’s day and age, we have given ourselves over to a lack of dedication and determination contrary to those who preceded us. If we do not fix this problem, it will become greatly detrimental to the United States of America. All in all, Determination has brought America through troubled times, stands as one of the most overlooked attributes in our community today, and if practiced today has the chance to drastically …show more content…

In this modern era of technology, gaming, and TV it seems that nearly no one who shows enough determination to become great. For instance, the average SAT and ACT scores over the past few years have drop compared to earlier years. Also my father, who has worked in education for twenty-one years, has noticed that only a few students have the will power to become great. If people continue to lack determination than who will be the teachers, doctors and innovators of tomorrow. A second example of the lack of determination, lies in the staggering number of people who lack housing or live in government housing. Tons people today after loosing their job, lack the determination to go find themselves a job, as a result, they either end up in Government housing, or on the streets. Recently, my Aunt took in a homeless person. As a college drop out from high school he hit the streets and lived a life of survival lacking the determination to climb out of his hole, finish high school, and apply for a job. Had my aunt not helped him, he would have surely continued in his live on the streets because of his lack of determination. This lack of toughness, if widespread, could easily lead to a rapid decline in our word force which would greatly hurt our country. In the end, determination presents Americans with a great problem that if not fixed could lead to major …show more content…

Few people today show determination in what they do, however, those who do have great success. If people today begin to show determination, dilemmas like the great increase of homelessness and government housing will go drastically down. For example, Jeremy Lin, who now plays basketball in the National Basketball Association for the Brooklyn Nets, throughout his life has shown great determination not only in Basketball but also in other fields as well. After graduating high school with an impressive 4.2 grade point average Jeremy Lin looked to find an athletic scholarship. However, none came. Eventually he decided that he would go to Harvard and play basketball their while recieving a solid education so that if Basketball didn’t work out he would have somewhere to go. But with hard work and much determination Jeremy became the first player in fifty-nine years to graduate from Harvard and go to the NBA. Now Jeremy Lin serves his community through the Jeremy Lin foundation, a foundation dedicated to serving youths in his community. On the foundation's website it gives a little explanation to why he does this “Compelled by His relationship with Jesus, Jeremy Lin founded the Jeremy Lin Foundation to love and serve children and youth, by providing hope, empowerment and leadership development. Because Jeremy believes God first loved us, we have the capability and opportunity to love

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