
Determinism And Instrumentalism In The Shallows

Decent Essays

In the book The Shallows, Nicholas Carr discusses the impact that technology has on humans. He introduces two philosophical viewpoints: determinism and instrumentalism. Determinism is the philosophical idea that assumes that a society’s technology dictates the development of its social structure and cultural values. The second viewpoint being instrumentalists, states people who devalue the power of technology. Instrumentalists believe that tools are just instruments that auxiliate their users, but people are not dependent on them. Carr views technology’s impact on the human brain like a double edge sword: it can help access countless information, but at the same time can overwhelm us and distract us. As a millennial, I have grown up in the digital era and have viewed the countless benefits of technology such as advances in health, access to information, and variety of entertainment which make my ideas align more with Instrumentalism. Determinists would say that the developments on machinery make doctors lazy because it makes them dependent but instrumentalists would say that it actually makes them more efficient in the work they do. The improvements technology has had on health have saved countless lives. This is clearly demonstrated in the hospital with advancements in the machinery that is used. Equipment, such as heart monitors, has become advanced and is a necessity in health centers to assure the well being of humans. Another example of very advanced technology

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